Saturday, March 5, 2011

Writer at Work

Hello friends!

While I am still busy promoting Miss Penny Brown and her wheelchair, I would like to take a different approach to this week's blog. It has to do with Penny Brown, but it also profiles writing life in general.

I have a confession to make. Sometimes, I am envious of other people. Like Penny, I wish I could do certain tasks more easily. She wishes she could walk, run, or slide down the big slide. Well, I wish I could have a regular nine to five job, and could drive to that job. I would love to have an office where I would sit and do nothing but write all day. However, I have to learn to accept my short comings, and realize that I will be okay.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade/ So, I can't work at a regular job. Therefore, I decide I will devote my life to writing books and magazine articles. Writing has been my goal for as long as I I can remember. My job may be more different from the 9-5 work in an office building. However, it doesn't matte where you do the work as long as you are productive.

One question arises here. People often ask me, "How can you be productive at home?" The answer can be summed up in one word. Motivation. You have to love what you do, or you won't stick with it. One misconception about working from home (especially for writers) is they do not actually work. Instead they sit around watching Trashy talk shows and daytime dramas. those folks couldn't be more wrong. Work at home writers have to work even harder to stay focused because there are so many distractions. People don't realize writers have working hours, just like everybody else.

Here are the top five distractions for people working at home. (And how to deal with them!)

1. The television-Some people work with it for background noise. I am pretty well used to this, but if there is a show that I want to catch during the day, I simply set my DVR, and watch it when I can.

2. The Telephone-This is a huge hindrance to some people. (Myself included) Sometimes, people call during the day just to chat. This is fine for me most of the time, but sometimes, I will get on a writing roll, and the shrill ring of the phone stops me completely in my tracks. Sometimes, I can get the rhythm back after talking, sometimes, I can't. I usually look at the caller ID, and if I don't answer, it's because I am writing mode. i will call back as soon as I am finished with my thought or idea.

3. Family members. in my case, this isn't a distraction. I am a caregiver to my wonderful 74 year old grandmother, and I lover her very much. True, when I am care giving, I am not writing. However, the caregivee's needs ALWAYS comes first. Writing will always be there, your loved ones will not. Sometimes, care giving for me is a good distraction from writing. If I am stuck on an idea, and Grandma needs my assistance, I try to meet her needs, and come back to writing later.

4. Facebook, E-mail, and Twitter The computer can be your best friend or worst enemy. Social networking sites are good for promoting your writing, but before long, you realize you have spent a long time promoting when you are supposed to be writing. I check e-mail and facebook at random throughout the day. It usually helps to set a timer and stick to it.

5. Housework-If you are like me, you try to keep the chores up on a daily basis. I have a schedule for chores. I only do three a day on a rotating basis (except laundry, which is done everyday in my house) Chores are done at certain times, early in the morning or late at night. this way, you are not neglecting writing, but not totally neglecting housework either.

I am sure many more distractions are out there. A writer must learn to set limits. The work will get done. See you next time.

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