Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Difficulty of Childrem's Writing

Anyone who believes writing for children is an easy task.........well, let's just say, they are wrong. In fact, I think children's writing is a lot more difficult than anything else I had ever written.

Why is that, Brittany? you may ask.

Writing for children is more difficult because you have to think like children do. A children's author has to jump into a children's world. They often play with toys or games, or watch children's television-----I confess, I am thirty-two years old and watch Little Bill" on the Nick JR channel in order to live in a children's world. I think I also know why Michelle watches so many old cartoons on the Boomerang Channel. It's so that she can relate to children through her art. In order to write for children, you have to think like children do. However, I think the hardest part of writing for children is using short phrases and sentences. I find myself doing a lot of editing, let me tell you. In the end though, it is worth it to see a child fall in love with a book.

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