Saturday, March 13, 2010

The dream job that was not meant to be

My dream job became apparent in the 6th grade when my reading teacher, Mrs. Wagner asked the class a question. 'What do you supposed it would be like to have a physical challenge?" Well, that one was easy for me to answer. I have had C.P. since nine months of age. Living with a disability is not easy, but you know what? God must have put me on the earth for some purpose. In 1991, I found out what that purpose was..........writing.

Mrs. Wagner had each member of the class see what it was like to be blind for a day. It was terrible. I spent time bumping into doors, even dumped an entire pitcher of water on the kitchen floor. However, this experience had made me a stronger person. Yes, I have balance problems, and the right side of my body doesn't work as well as the left side does. After being blind for a day, none of that mattered. There are people who are a lot worse off than I was.

Mrs. Wagner liked my essay so much, that she gave me an A and sent it to the school newspaper, "Tee-Pee Talk." A week later, as soon as the papers were delivered, Mrs. Wagner came over to my desk and said, "Look, are famous!"

Words could not describe how I felt at that moment. Seeing my words in print for the first time was an awesome feeling that I will never forget. As I re-read my article, it became apparent on what I wanted to be when I "grew up" Journalists have the power to get people to listen and understand through the written word. However, Journalism was not meant to be. After serving as an editor for two years on the high school newspaper, I came to RSU, only to discover, there were not Associate Degrees available in Journalism. So, the school started me off as an Associates Degree in Liberal Arts student. I studied different types of sub jets. However, Creative Writing was my favorite class. It was then, that I realized being an author would be a better fit for me.

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